Our Party Bag Options

Option 1
£ 1.50 per Bag
Young Animators Club Flip Book
Lego Block Eraser
Young Animators Club Badge
Sweet Treat

Option 2
£ 1.50 Per bag
Plaster of Paris Figure
Young Animators Club Badge
Sweet Treat

Option 3
£ 2.50 Per Bag
Young Animators Club Flip Book
Lego Block Eraser
Plaster of Paris Figure
Young Animators Club Badge
Sweet Treat
Our COVID-19 Policy (September 2020)
Lego® Animation Party COVID-19 Policy
1st September 2020
Event guidelines:
- Maximum number of children: 10
- A maximum number of adults: 3 (not including our staff) from no more than 2 households.
- We can not deliver our parties at a host’s home until further notice. We will work in halls and venues with enough space for adults to practice social distancing.
- It is the host’s responsibility ensure that the party adheres to the venue’s COVID-19 guidelines.
- We highly recommend that all guests at the party are within family or school class ‘bubbles’. This should be made clear on invites.
- Food should consumed away from the animation workstations and Lego.
- Children should be delivered and collected at the venue entrance.
- It is the responsibility of the party host to ensure that there is adequate access to hand-washing facilities.
Parent/ host/ carer guidelines:
- We do not expect children to practice social distancing during our parties.
- Adults (outside of support and family bubbles) should practice social distancing.
- It is at the discretion of the hosts if the adults present should wear face coverings (our staff will wear face coverings while working in indoor settings).
- Children are not required to wear face coverings.
- Children should wash their hands on arrival, before eating and before they leave the venue. This should be enforced by the party host.
- It is the responsibility of the host to ensure that they retain the contact details of all guests. This is to ensure that participants can be informed if there are any positive COVID-19 tests among staff or guests within 14 days of the event.
- Please be responsible with the mix of children at the event. For example; a child’s cousins or family friends mixing with the child’s class bubble.
Company procedures:
- We will deliver a maximum of 2 parties per week; this will ensure that our Lego has had at least a 72 hour quarantine period between events.
- All our animation equipment will be cleaned prior to each event.
- Our staff will wear face coverings while working in indoor settings.
- Hand sanitiser will be provided by the company at all events. This should not be used as a substitute to recommended hand washing guidelines.
- All party bags will be prepared at least 72 hours prior to the event as a precaution to avoid virus transmission.
Changes in government guidelines:
- If government guidelines change in the period between the event booking confirmation and the party date, we will update this policy accordingly and contact the host.
- There will be no additional cost incurred from the company if the party needs to be postponed due to COVID-19 related issues. All other postponement reasons require at least 48 hours notice.
- We are unable to refund deposits for parties affected by COVID-19 but will prioritise re-booking if the event needs to be rescheduled.
It is the responsibly of the party host to ensure that this policy is made available to all guests. The party host is responsible for adhering to Government COVID-19 Guidance beyond the activities carried out by the company at the event.
Your deposit payment is considered as confirmation that you have read these guidelines and agree to follow our COVID-19 procedures.